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What is Kaizoku anyway?

Kaizoku Press is an independent label specialized in tabletop rolepaying games. We are based in Italy and Japan.

Kaizoku (海賊) means pirate in Japanese language; as pirates we try to move fast and in non conventional ways in the seas of tabletop gaming, trying to bring to as many people as possible innovative, exciting games and adventures. Among the products we have published/worked on there are Mutants & Masterminds, Rappan Athuk, Tome of Horrors, Kobolds Ate My Baby, Comrades, Dungeon Crawl Classics… and MORE.

Thanks to our attention to detail and success with the Italian Edition of Rappan Athuk, we are working, among others, with Frog God GamesNecromancer Games and Why Not Games.

If you are interested in translating (somebody says “localizing”) your game into other languages and/or you want give a professional lay-out to it, we are your go-to partner!

Who’s in charge?

The founder’s name is Emanuele Granatello (don’t try to pronounce it, you will probably end-up evoking some dark thing from the Void); he lives in Japan and is a compulsive translator. Working with him there’s Giordano Manes, expert of paper, printing, indesign and other arcane things, and a crew of illustrators & translators.

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